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St. Francis of Assisi conference
of St. Michael

Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are in need and suffering in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul.


As a reflection of the whole family of God, members, who are known as Vincentians, are drawn from every ethnic and cultural background, age group, and economic level. Vincentians are united in an international society of charity by their spirit of poverty, humility and sharing, which is nourished by prayer and reflection, mutually supportive gatherings and adherence to a basic Rule.


Organized locally, Vincentians witness God's love by embracing all works of charity and justice. The Society collaborates with other people of good will in relieving need and addressing its causes, making no distinction in those served because, in them, Vincentians see the face of Christ.


Our Society of St. Vincent de Paul, St. Francis of Assisi Conference of St. Michael began in 2013 and currently serves residents of Wright County, Minnesota as well as active parishioners of St. Michael Catholic Church regardless of their zip code.


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St. Francis of Assisi Conference page.
conference membership

Active (Full) Members

are those who participate regularly in the prayer life, meetings, and charitable activities through personal contact with the poor of the Vincentian Conference into which they have been received. An Active (Full) Member accepts the Rule and Statutes of the Society, belongs to the Catholic Church, and is received as a Vincentian brother or sister in to the Society's Conference. Active (Full) Members are expected to (1) Attend regularly scheduled meetings, (2) Help plan and facilitate service activities, (3) Participate in service activities.

Associate members 

are those affiliated with the Society by formal action of the Conference with which the member will be joined. Associate Members include those who sincerely and publicly accept the Society's Rule but may or may not belong to the Catholic Church and may or may not attend Conference Meetings or engage in the works of the Society on a regular basis. Associate Members are kept informed of the developments and activities of their immediate groupings, as well as the general progress of the Society, particularly in the local area or diocese. They are invited to attend the general meetings and special observance of the Society and to participate in its charitable activities such as Friends of the Poor Walk.

contributing members are those who regularly or in a substantial way provide in-kind or financial support but who do not engage directly in the Society's work. These members also are invited to the Society's general and festival meetings.

conference meetings

Our Conference meets twice a month on the second and fourth Tuesdays at 7:15 p.m. following Tuesday evening Mass in Room 104 at St. Michael Catholic Church. Exceptions occasionally occur during Thanksgiving and Christmas weeks and schedule changes are approved by the Conference.


funding sources

SVdP is a nonprofit 501(c) public charity. Donations to SVdP are tax deductible. Our primary source of funding is through individual financial gifts made (1) directly to our Conference, (2) through St. Michael Catholic Church collections on the fifth Sunday, and (3) via a special quarterly envelope contained within the package of parish stewardship envelopes. Through the generosity of parishioners, our Conference has been able to provide direct aid to those in need.

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want to join

our conference?


If you are in need of help – please call us at
763-634-1167 or email us at

need help?

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Thanks for submitting!



200 Central Avenue East

St. Michael, MN 55376

store hours:

Every week unless noted.

  • Monday: 11 am - 3 pm (Donations Only)

  • Tuesday: 10 am - 4 pm (Store and Donations)

  • Wednesday: 10 am - 4 pm (Store and Donations)

  • Thursday: 12 pm - 6 pm (Store and Donations)

  • Friday: Closed

  • Saturday: Closed

  • Sunday: Closed

  • Second Saturday of Each Month: 10 am - 2 pm (Store and Donations)

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